Monday 22 June 2015

Why Every Company Should Invest in Time Tracking Software

Why Every Company Should Invest in Time Tracking Software

In today's modern business world, time tracking is utilized, not only to determine employee time and attendance, but can also help improve the business in other areas. Combined with an effective time tracking software program, businesses are now able to use this data to create reports in order to analyze further information about their business.

Reducing errors and time theft

By utilizing time tracking software, organizations and businesses are able to cut down on employees claiming incorrect time and hours worked. This may be an innocent act done on the part of the employee, but the company will still pick up the bill, which can lead to a large amount over time.
There are always going to be employees who will try to deliberately claim for time that they knowingly did not work, but with the detailed and reliable reports generated by time tracking software, organizations are able to be provided with a clear picture of the exact time spent on work premises.

Increased efficiency and lower payroll costs

With an automated system comes an increase in efficiency, as well as a more streamlined payroll system. Numerous branches or different areas of the business are also able to centralize their payroll, allowing just one team to account for the entire organization. Time tracking software also cuts out a great deal of administration for the accounts team, freeing up time for them to assist with other areas of their work.

Able to spot trends

One of the really powerful features of time tracking software is being able to spot trends among employees. This may be noticing that a certain team are working extra hours at a particular time, or it may be noticing that one employee continually has to work overtime, perhaps without even notifying their manager.

Lower compliance risk

With a growing amount of government red tape around surrounding which working hours are permitted, time tracking software allows you to have a greater control in reducing the compliance risk to your business or organization, ensuring that the hours worked by employees stay within the legal limits.
Cloud based

Much of the time tracking software on the market at the moment also boasts cloud based functionality, giving employers and managers the opportunity to access the software from anywhere that has an internet connection. There is also the ability to set up email and SMS alerts, notifying you if a certain scenario occurs, allowing you to have a much greater control and regulation over the workforce.

Source: Link
Author: Richard Lofio

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