How to Pass Job Interviews From a Communication Point of View
Job Interviews are intimidating for many candidates, but this could change if you think about them from a communication process point of view. Sometimes, looking at an issue from a different perspective may change your reaction and the expected outcome. Instead of approaching interviewers like crime investigators, think and prepare with the communication process in mind. Here's how:

You are the sender
As you sit before those menacing individuals, remember you are the center of interest. You are the guest of honor in this auspicious ceremony. Everyone is here to listen to you as you showcase your communication skills in an interview. Transmit that important message about your strengths and virtues. Send out positive signals on why you are the best candidate for the job. Even if you don't get the job, let the panel members remember there was a confident and capable candidate before them.
Craft your message to convince and impress
As a sender, prepare the message you will deliver before the material day. Don't forget that you are a significant part of the message. You have been shortlisted for the interview because your academic qualifications are in tandem with the requirements. Validate the content in your papers by proving you have communication skills for job interviews. Anticipate the questions to be asked and gather the right information. Package yourself attractively and win the interviewers over from the moment you step into the interview room.
Clarity in communication in mandatory
Now that you are the message to be delivered to the panel and you are also the sender, do not transmit mixed signals. If you have not researched well on the pertinent organization, dressing well for the occasion will not save you from disappointment. Proper dressing and information gathering are complementary communication skills in an interview. Further, demonstrate intelligence, initiative and creativity. This is what clarity in the interview process entails.
Watch your Non-verbal cues
Communication experts opine that 55% of all communication is non-verbal. The interview panel will be interested in what you don't say as much as in what comes out of your mouth. You may not announce loudly to the panel members that you lack confidence, but they will decipher this from your gestures, pitch and tone of voice, sitting posture and general appearance. Many people, when asked to comment on how to pass job interviews, emphasize academic and professional papers at the expense of non-verbal communication. This is a grave mistake.
Know your audience and what it is looking for
Your audience or receiver is the panel and you must offer it the information it is looking for you to have a viable chance of getting employed. The people in front of you want to know why you think you can fill the vacancy and deliver expected results. Remember the panel is interested in how the pertinent organization will be more productive and you must prove you are the right person to help achieve desired results. Summon all your communication skills for job interviews to bridge this information gap.
Respect non-verbal feedback from your audience
Your non-verbal communication is as important as that of the interviewing panel. In any communication process, the sender and the receiver are indispensable. Moreover, the roles of sender and receiver are interchangeable. Decipher the tone and pitch of each of the speakers. Watch how they express themselves as you answer questions. Only then will you will realize when your time is almost up or when your message has reached its destination.
An often forgotten element of communication is listening. Listen to both verbal and non-verbal cues. Don't rush to answer questions if you have not understood them. Seek for clarification where necessary. Practice role-taking. Allow questions to be asked fully before you answer.
Make use of these tips on how to pass job interviews today and you might be luckier in your quest for a job next time you appear before a panel.
Source: Link
Author: Joseph Maina Kabui
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